Monday, April 20, 2009

Biochem Done

I just got out of my biochem final. It went real well. We were allowed to make a cheat sheet, but I totally forgot about that; but I think I was better off without. The test was either random trivia (which would have been a crap shoot to have that stuff on the sheet) or critical thinking (which you either know the information to interpret or you don't). I think a sheet would have helped on maybe one question, so I guess I win overall. It's funny leaving biochem thinking that it was a pretty easy class. Lots of people told me that it was the hardest class I would ever have to take in my undergrad. For me, that title would certainly go to either second semester inorganic chemistry or first semester physics. Those classes literally brought me to tears with certain concepts (titrations and Bernoulli's Principle). Microbiology was also hard because there was so much dang information to learn in so little time. My two favorite classes were the most unlikely of all: organic chemistry and biochem. Strange.


  1. you have found your niche. no doubt about it. it also feels funny to be in your final week. mom

  2. Wow.... I don't think I would have done well in any of those. My easy ones were English comp, Biology, History, Thelogy and Scripture. Different strokes, whatever floats your boat, if the shoe fits, wear it, play to your strengths, Remember the Alamo, you say tomato I say tomaato and that famous phrase, What was I just doing?
