Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A silly way to live life

I'm just about recovered from my workout. Just a little bit of soreness to get over. I think I'm going to try for 8 miles this afternoon.

I worked a shift on an ambulance yesterday, and I realized that I have comfortably nestled into a working lifestyle. I'm either at work or I'm not. I work out a bit, I read a bit, and that's about it. It's a very silly way to live. I can't wait to pick back up with school, with progress.

It's not that I'm not stimulated. I've got a great job, I read great books (more on that later), and I do awesome stuff. I just hate the segmentation of it all. Working vs. not working. I plan on breaking it up with some trips and such. I've got an 11 day walk across Michigan planned for the beginning of July. Tim also thinks I'll be able to get a job with the organization he teaches Wilderness Medicine with (Wilderness Medical Associates). He says they just want experience (wilderness and medicine), which I have both. It sounds like fun. That would sure look good on a med school application, too.

I made the mistake on Sunday of picking up some light reading: Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller. I read half of it about 2 years ago, but I decided to pick it back up after a little discussion about it with a friend. The problem, though, is that I was right in the middle of a dense Russian lit book. I forgot how nice it can be to just read, and not worry about dense and heavy topics. After reading the first two chapters of Miller's book I promptly returned The Idiot to the library and continued with the light reading. I hate leaving books partially read -- I'll have to pick it back up later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good stuff John. I'd like to here more about that lonnggggg walk. That sounds crazy. I am thinking of donig a 'Marathon' bike race on my singlespeed. It's 5 laps of 10 miles, should take me 5-6 hours, not days. It'll be at Stony Creek not this but next weekend. I know what you mean about a segmented life. I like when I can get into a variety of things. I've doing a lot of work/train/race/repeat lately. But I do have some trips planned.
