Thursday, May 13, 2010

25 Reasons why I like me

I think it's real easy for people to get down on themselves, focusing only on negative things (particularly in trying times). I'm not a particularly negative person, but I want to try something crazy. I want to put down on paper (or blog, rather) why I like me. I want to write out 15 reasons why I think I am awesome, and try to not come across as cocky. What if everybody liked themselves simply for whom they are? I suppose I'd have to think more about it to give a real answer, but here goes.

1) I drive a stick.
2) I got into med school.
3) I have saved lives.
4) I followed my ultimate childhood dream and entered the Air Force.
5) I can live like a king on $20,000 per year.
6) I have successfully lived in suburban, rural, and urban environments.
7) I really really like country music.
8) I am still passionate about emergency medicine, even after watching a 3 month old infant die on Christmas Day.
9) I have watched Elton John, Van Halen, and Tom Petty play live.
10) I got a full-ride to med school.
11) I look really good in a suit.
12) I have worked 24 hours straight and more than 100 hours in a week regularly.
13) I know where to find the best pizza in the world.
14) I don't know the last time I turned down a challenge without a really good reason.
15) God loves me for me, despite my best efforts.


  1. 15 Reasons why I like you: (random order)
    1. You are patient, with yourself and others (even when you may be screaming inside)
    2. You are honest ( I can count on you for an honest respone.)
    3. You can't let go of your passions (and you are discovering new ones all the time)
    4. You use your God-given intellect. (our world can thank you)
    5. You are generous.
    6. You are spiritual and religious.
    7. You love your sister and two brothers.
    8. Coldies, coldies.
    9. You are cautious.
    10.You love to read.
    11.You are independent (in how you live and how you think)
    12.You don't seem to have envy.
    13.You can be alone (and don't seem to be afraid of being lonely, because it doesn't last too long).
    14.You are sensitive.
    15.You can live in a middle of a mess.
    I could go on...
