Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anna Karenina and Memorial Day

I think I have found myself a bit of a Memorial Day tradition. For the past 4 years I have been up at SpringHill volunteering for their big family camp. It is tons of fun. I mostly go up there to hang out with old friends and meet new ones. For some reason I have gained a certain rapport at that place to the extent that I can really do whatever I want, and they still pay for my gas money to go to and from camp. Within minutes of getting up to camp I had a radio, a golf cart, and a key that would get me into (almost) any building on camp. Weird.

The weekend was a lot of fun. I hung out a lot with some old friends, met a few new ones, and learned how to waltz. This year marks my 1 year anniversary of not working at Springhill for the summer. The funny thing is that I realized that Springhill is not a deep spiritual place to me like it is for most people. I just really really like the people that work there. The place breeds a certain community that is very easy to succeed in. People just want to have fun there. I've never really understood the theological/spiritual role of a chrisitian camp, but I like hanging out with the people at springhill.

Just today I finished reading Anna Karenina. Amazing book. It's by the same guy that wrote War and Peace. The crazy thing about that book is the character development. It is about Russian nobles in the late 1800's and how one of them (Anna) cheats on her husband, and how the affair affects about 8 people involved. The funny thing is that nobody is the bad guy. Everybody clearly has strengths and weaknesses. Tolstoy somehow paints a complete picture of a circle of society that is absolutely mind-blowing. If you ever get a chance to read it, keep a lookout for the character named Alexei Alexandrovich Kareni. As far as I can tell I am him.

I've been sick for exactly 2 weeks as of today. It sucks. I went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. The scary part of being sick this long, though, is that my job regularly puts me in environments containing MRSA, VRE, and C. diff. I had a patient the other day with all 3. Lets hope none of them work on my depressed immune system.

Being sick has hurt my workout schedule, and my bikes took a dump on me, so I haven't been working out very much. I found a great 7 mile loop for running that gets me out of the city. I'll be doing that more regularly when I get better. I also took an Appalacian Trail book out of the library. I figure if I ever have a chance to do it it will be next summer. Here's hoping. Either way, I need an adventure soon.


  1. What are MRSA, VRE, C. diff? Never mind. I just figured out that I can click on them to read about them. Will look into Tolstoy's book. Liked Dead Souls, so it is worth it to try another russian novel. I agree with the things you said about Spring Hill. It has a spiritual element to it, but it is way more fun than spirtual. Glad that they appreciate you. Mom

  2. Tolstoy to me is the greatest novelist. War and Peace does it all and for a long time. His characters are real, complicated and mysterious. Their lives are truly like our lives. I still remember Anna. What an impact.
