Monday, May 11, 2009

So I saved a life...

I found out the other day that I actually had a hand in saving someone's life. Last year at the annual 25K in Grand Rapids I treated a guy who was seizing about 1/3 mile from the finish line. It was kind of cool because there was a huge crowd watching me. I didn't think much of it (seizures are real easy because you can't do much. You just let the body run its course and treat afterwards). I just kept his airway clear and kept him safe...and ambulance got there after a couple minutes and took him off to the hospital.

I talked to one of the medics who took the guy to the hospital a couple of days ago (the night before this year's race). He told me that he found out that our guy had heat stroke and was in the hospital for 4 days (or so). Heat stroke is something that is basically characterized by death. It's a level of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance that the body can not self-correct. So it's kind of cool that I had a hand in saving his life.

The race this year was totally uneventful, though. Lots of cold rain and healthy runners.

I just started the med school application for 2010. I'm thinking of applying to around 5 schools and hoping for the best. I'm going to talk to the pre-med adviser this week to hear her thoughts on the matter. Still trying to hear back from the research jobs, though.

80 hour work week last week.
50 hour work week this week.
I don't know what to do with all of the extra time.


  1. What a good life going about saving people. No wonder you want to go into medicine. It will come just pray and continue your path. You are so good ans so smart not to let this happen.

  2. 50 hours ain't much, haha. So much left for leisure. How did the bike work out?

  3. More posts!! I am glad I made you laugh with my picture comments. "Looking good" wasn't even funny to me until you said something. HA
