Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I think I fixed the comments section.

I have reached my limit tonight. After just one article, I am burned out on reading about autophagy and reperfusion injury in myocardial tissue. It's pretty interesting stuff -- looking at a bit of a phenomenon where the heart will try to protect itself in the middle of an MI (heart attack) so that when the bloodflow restarted the tissue will be less damaged. I would love to write about it in the spirits of John Hawks, but it's time to put it down.

I had a little talk today with Steve Huisman, the owner of the Great Lakes EMS Academy (where I did my EMT-S class). It was my crazy idea to teach chemistry to his paramedic students, and he was all about it -- so I guess I am now a chemistry teacher. I'm going to have to figure out how to bring everything down to the level of a paramedic student. They need to learn about 2 1/2 years of chemistry in 12 hours -- I've got a big job on my hands.

Big week ahead of me putting together the logistics for a Campus Ministry trip to Boston, writing/researching for a calorie restriction and reperfusion injury paper, getting set for the Wayne State interview, putting together equipment for the Mt. Marcy climb, and writing a paper on Hamlet and Macbeth. I probably shouldn't take a break Tuesday night, but I think I will. All I have tomorrow is biochem and laundry.

1 comment:

  1. And...shout out to your awesome sister for doing a mock interview! You can thank her later when you get in :)
