Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reeds Lake

I just got back from the Reeds Lake Run, a pretty big 10K in East Grand Rapids (around the same lake that Paul and I did the triathlon at). My goal time was sub 45 min. with the full expectation that I wouldn't even come close, but it turns out I was just above 47, so I am very pleased. A bunch of paramedics I work with ran, too, and I think I beat them all, which is a little ego boost there. All in all, real fun run.

I got word from University of Tennessee already. As it turns out they are only accepting in state applicants. Kudos to them for not putting that fun tid-bit in any of their information.

I'm starting George Washington University's secondary application today. Let's hope that goes well. I don't know how much longer I can get denied from stuff -- jobs, schools, etc.

I had a cool idea the other day. I was thinking that when my lease is up I should close all of my bank accounts and just drive around until I run out of money. That would be a cool adventure.


  1. you did very well at Reeds Lake. I am not surprised given all the running you have done. I guess your knee(s) is/are doing ok. How is the wrist? Denials are just closed doors so you can find the path that the Lord has in store for you. Keep praying and never give up. Running out of money would not be a fun feeling, at least not for me.

  2. GW would be a great place!
