Friday, June 12, 2009

Some may say I'm a lifer.

I spent the past couple of days up at SpringHill. I helped a friend of mine (and former boss) teach the staff about how the infirmary works, and I also helped train some of the infirmary staff. It was a lot of fun. I got some comments about how I am a SpringHill lifer, which I gotta disagree with. As far as I am concerned, my time at camp is done. I go back simply for the people. Some of my best friends live and work up there. I don't really make it a point to participate in the camp's mission or anything like that, and I really don't try to make new friends. I did make a new friend this past week, though, which I think is pretty cool.

Big day planned for tomorrow. I'm covering a 5K for work, then I'm heading up north of GR for a 100 Mile workout. Tim, Mike, and I (we 3 who climbed Mt. Marcy) are going to ride 30 miles, ditch the bikes and hike 20, then backtrack all the way back. I'm excited. It'll be a real hard day.

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