Friday, April 3, 2009

AR Season Cometh

I am unofficially deciding that April 3 is the official start to my adventure race season. I'm starting it off with an exploratory run at Johnson Park today. We'll see how it goes. I might try some night stuff tonight. Tomorrow is a 20 mile ride out on the lakeshore (just a little one to get the legs moving). Who knows what's coming next. I've got like 2 months until my first race...plenty of time to train for a little 6 hour beginner race (i.e. clear the course in 4 hours). Now all I need is the new Raleigh.

Yesterday was a bit of a downer of a day. I got word that I didn't get a research internship I was going for. That means I am somewhat jobless this summer (except for a measly 20 hours a week max at my job now). The more I think about, too, the less I want to go to Wayne State (even with the MD/PhD idea aside). In talking with the interviewer ER doc he seemed to think that I wanted to practice big city medicine. My ideas of a good medical school is that big city med schools are better (as a result of the clinical experience), but I have no desire to live in a big city again...let alone practice medicine in a big city for the rest of my life. If I plan to live in a rural/suburban area (I don't think I could live in an area more dense than Grand Rapids and still easily be happy), it should follow that I learn that sort of medicine (which also re-opens awesome schools like Duke, UNC, and Cornell). I am wondering if I should attend Wayne State if I KNOW that I won't be happy living in Detroit; and by attending Wayne I would be gaining urban medical attributes and skills. It is a great school and would give me a great education...but there are better schools for me.

I have not nearly rules out Wayne State this year. I just think it would be ridiculous to go there this year simply because it was the only place I got in. I refuse to settle on an issue that has such a large bearing on the rest of my life.

Yesterday I found myself hoping that I get denied from Wayne State. I felt like it would just simplify things -- I wouldn't have to make any hard decisions. Taking a step back, it seems kind of ridiculous for me to attend a school that I hope denies me admission (especially when I will have to basically give them my life for 4 years and a huge amount of money). I know I should be excited about the prospect of attending a medical school, and if I'm not excited about it I darn well better not go there.

Tomorrow is another day. We'll see what happens then.

1 comment:

  1. Yea man. Don't go somewhere that'll give you urban medical experience if you're not going to end up working in a dense urban environment. Especially if you won't be happy. I like you're last paragraph here. You made a hard decision simple by being true to yourself. That's easy. Sounds like a good training start to the year. Check out my blog, I've got a funny pic up.
