Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reed's Lake

I had a great workout today. I rode my bike out to Reeds Lake in East Grand Rapids, where Paul and I did that triathlon a little while back. I had a nice run around the lake, then rode back to my house. When I did the tri I was in tons of pain -- my knees were boycotting normal function; but this time I felt great. It was real nice. Depending on how I feel in the fall I might give that tri another shot. I know I could beat my time.

Big biochem test on Wednesday. This time I've gotta learn the Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain. Should be fun.

Speaking of school, on Tuesday my geology class went on a field trip to the wastewater treatment plant in Muskegon. It was a cool trip, but I noticed something a little strange -- I noticed that my professor was always standing next to me, and whenever I said anything she did this super girly laugh. All semester I had noticed that she treated me a little differently than everybody else (I could give LOTS of examples), and I think the Muskegon trip semi-confirmed the hypothesis that my professor has a crush on me (she just got her PhD and I think she went straight through, putting her in her mid to late 20's, so it's nothing ridiculous I guess). It's nothing I'm going to act on, but it gives me a good chuckle.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are thinking like George Castanza. Tell her you are an architect and that you run a business on the side. Also, tell her you live with your parents and that you know Seinfeld. Then get outa' Dodge.
