Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Wisdom of Harry Katz

Despite a spirit instilled in few posts from earlier dates, Wayne State is by no means ruled out. I purely want to make a rational and educated decision. Needless to say, it is a difficult decision to feel out...there are a lot of unknowns.

I was talking to an old friend from Boston: Harry Katz. In my 2 1/2 years in Boston I feel like I made one friend, and that friend is Harry. He is the Mario Conway of my life. I was talking to him about all of this med school stuff and he brought up an amazing point. April 22 I find out about Wayne State -- if I get in I have to figure out if that's where I'm going, if I don't go (or don't get in) I have to figure out how to live for the next year. It's a problem that I didn't expect to have and it is very stressful. That all happens April 22. Right now I don't have a problem. I am problem-less, actually. I might have a problem April 22, but it's ridiculous to try to solve a problem that I don't have. Harry's a smart guy. He's shooting for law school now, and he'll make an amazing lawyer.

I talked with the pre-med adviser at Grand Valley about Illinois MD/PhD program a bit more. I'm not so sure about that stuff anymore, but we did have an interesting talk about re-applying. When I asked her if I could do better than Wayne, she responded, "you almost have a 4.0! I can't promise you will get into Duke or Harvard, but there are very few people that come to the table with the history that you have." She is sure I didn't get better results this year because of my late MCAT -- making me a late applicant. That is the reason I heard back from schools so late. She is confident that reapplication would get me better results at schools like Indiana, Illinois, and Case-Western. I have always been drawn to Indiana.

Hence the problem I thought I had. Should I take the risk and reapply? Should I just go to Wayne State? Is that settling? Is it possible to settle on a med school? I always thought you took what you can get as far as med school, but if I could do better than Wayne State shouldn't I do better?

I guess these are questions that will begin to be asked April 22.

I had a real good run yesterday, though. The girl I usually run with was sick, so I decided to make it a long day. I ended up going about 11 miles, the most I've ever run. The first 9 felt great. The last 2 were absolute hell. I think I'll go for 4 tomorrow, but now that I know I can get the long distance I want to do a 10+ mile day at least once a week. Gotta train for my 30 hour.

1 comment:

  1. Well, John, look at it this way. You will make decisions about opportunities. You have your freedom and when the time comes, you will make the best decision for yourself. The biggest issue from my point of view is that when you make the big decisions, you reduce your ability to live other opportunities. Opportunities are only in your head. The real one is the path you take. You are in it, God is in it, your fmaily is in it and your friends are in it. What great company. You are not alone.
