Saturday, April 4, 2009

AR Season Hereth

The run yesterday turned out to be a bit of a downer. The park was a lot smaller than I was hoping, but it was nice exploring a new place. I think there was a cyclocross race last weekend, though, because there were a bunch of muddy ruts everywhere and some white lines on the ground. I decided to follow the course, forgetting in the first 100 feet that cross races are known to be super muddy and wet. Needless to say I gave my new shoes a good initiation to what they're in for in their lifetime. Probably only ended up running 3 miles or so, but the new shoes felt great on the trails.

Today was an unexpectedly hard workout. I went out to Lake Michigan and ran from down the beach to start off. I was planning to run to a pier that appear to be about a mile away, and I didn't think running in the sand would be too difficult. As it turns out running in the sand is absolutely killer, and the pier was about 3 km it was a very hard run (and the ending sprint up a dune absolutely wiped me. I set up the slackline and did about 30 min. of balance work. It had been about 2 years since I last slacklined, so I was pretty rusty. It was fun nonetheless. Afterward I went for a 20 mile bike ride with some people from work. It was a pretty slow ride, so it was good for getting back into a biking groove. Overall, I am much more tired than I was expecting. Somehow I'll have to keep up this training.

Tonight New Kids on the Block are performing in GR, and I get to work the show. I am actually really excited...not for the low-quality music or 40 year olds dancing around the stage like girls. I'm excited simply because it's hilarious to be.

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